:::: MENU ::::

Sunday, January 27, 2019

See the results


Competition results

Our $30 000, 14 Forex trading competitions have ended. Unfortunately, the extension of the competition by a week was not possible due to FXBlue technical restrictions. Apologies for any inconvenience caused because of this.

A big thank you to all clients who have competed in these competitions and congratulations to the winners


You can view the final results at this link



These results show that all our Forex trading EA has been traded profitably and that exceptional trading results are achievable with some creativity.


We will review the results for any benefits that can be passed on to EA owners so watch your emails for any news on that.


Important Notice to winners: -


If you are placed in the top 3 positions, please claim your prizes from Mary McArthur (use her email address or the address on this email) supplying the following details: - 

  1. Please let her know whether you want your prize paid in products or in cash. If in cash please supply your PayPal or Crypto details.
  2. Please confirm that you have complied with ALL the competition rules. Especially the ones requiring you to notify Mary McArthur of your participation prior to starting (Rule 13), confirm that you have not entered any one of the competitions more than 5 times (Rule 8), that you have continuously traded the EA for at least 2 weeks during the competition (Rule 7) and just a reminder that 1 person can only receive one prize per competition.
Please note that we will do a full audit all prize winners before distributing the prizes – this may take a few days.   


Kind Regards



Alex du Plooy


40 Bellevue Crescent, 2260, North Avoca, Australia
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