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Monday, March 26, 2018

This week we are have arranged a webinar to show you more about the best EA every created? Full-Forex


Why we call this EA the best EA ever created? is that:

  1. It can be used on very small trading accounts as low as one hundred dollars
  2. It has very low drawdowns
  3. It is nicely profitable – setting supplied in the webinar
  4. It is well supported
  5. It has the potential of trading five thousand dollars to one million dollars using conventional brokers in 1 year (See an example where twenty million was achieved in the webinar).
  6. It is ideal for US traders as FIFO, hedging and leverage limitations do not play a role.
  7. Risk can be reduced tremendously by using a portfolio approach – shown in the webinar.
  8. It has been around for months and is well tested
  9. It is set and forget
  10. ......and much more.

If you have not registered for this webinar, please do not delay. You will get more details about this EA on the registration page. Make sure you visit the registration page at:-


Kind Regards

Mary McArthur

40 Bellevue Crescent, 2260, North Avoca, Australia
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