Your Personal invitation Full-Forex Hi
One of the most basic aspects of trading that hold back EA traders is the fact that they sometimes do not know how to answer even one the following basic questions below about EA testing and trading.
Don't worry if you are one of them, as we are starting a no charge, classroom type, step by step, practical teaching series where I will help you find answers to all of these questions on your own computer at home. Hopefully this will be a fun filled experience of discovery. You don't even need to own an EA at the moment to attend. One of our EAs will be provided for $1 to apply your new knowledge and skills to.
There will be many of these webinars because there is a lot to cover and discuss. Can you, for instance, answer any or most of the EA trading questions below?
• What is an EA and how does it really work? • Is the EA you are using profitable? • What results would you have achieved if you traded it in the last week / month / quarter / year? • What were the best results possible from trading this EA in the last week / month / quarter / year?
• What are the dangers of your EA? • What are the strengths of your EA? • Which settings give you the best chance of success in the future? • How can you reduce your risk when EA trading? • Which settings lower your risk of failure considerably? • How can you get the best data for testing my EA? • What does back testing your EA achieve? • What are the dangers of mindlessly using back tested results? • How can you see how the EA really works? • Do you know how to use the optimisation graph to reduce risks? • What alternatives are there to back testing of EAs? • How do you position size your EA trades? • How do you account size your EA trading? • How do you convert time of day setting to my brokers server time? • What are your chances of success when using EA? • Why the starting date when you start trading an EA is the most important factor of your EA trading success? • How to use portfolios to reduce risk when trading EAs? • Why you can't expect the same results with the same back traded settings that worked in the past? • …….. and many more (Please add your own questions). Most EA owners are too busy or are just chancers who purchase an EA and expect to make a fortune by being plugged it into a Forex account. That attitude will prevent them from the real success that is possible.
If you would like to learn EA testing and management from the most basic and simple level (total beginner level), please register for the first of these webinars. These webinars will be classroom format where you will be expected to follow most of the processes step by step on your own demo account and computer as they are explained in the webinar.
THIS IS JUST A EARLY WARNING: Please watch your emails for more news of when the first webinar will be scheduled.
Kind Regards
Alex du Plooy Expert4x
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